July 14, 2016

Earlier this year, a new law went into effect in Oregon that extended and improved coverage for people injured in automobile accidents. One area of the law focused on Personal Injury Protection coverage, something that everyone in Oregon should be familiar with. In today’s post, we’ll talk more about this type of coverage and how it might be able to help you.

Let’s get started.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

Personal Injury Protection, commonly known as PIP, is part of every car insurance policy issued in Oregon. It’s meant to provide compensation for medical expenses and lost wages that are incurred as the result of an accident.

Do I have Personal Injury Protection coverage?

If your insurance policy was issued in the state of Oregon, then you do have Personal Injury Protection. However, if you recently moved to Oregon from out of state, you must update your policy to meet Oregon’s minimum requirements, which include a minimum $15,000 of PIP coverage.


There are a few other states that do require PIP, which provides protection when traveling (say while vacation in Oregon), but once you become an Oregon resident, you must update your policy.

What does Personal Injury Protection pay for?

The good news is that Personal Injury Protection is flexible! It will pay for any medical bills and other costs (including lost wages) that you receive if you’re involved in an auto accident. PIP coverage is limited to $15,000 in the 2 years following the accident.

 PIP is commonly used to pay for things like:

  • Doctors appointments

  • X-rays and other diagnostic tests

  • Massage therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Even the cost of child care as it relates to your accident

But I already have health insurance. Why would I use PIP?

Even if you have health insurance, your PIP coverage is a great supplement because it can also be used to recover lost wages (up to 70% of your wages, up to a maximum of $3,000/month for 12 months) and other costs not covered by your health insurance policy.


You are paying for PIP as part of your car insurance policy. It’s available to you and you should take advantage of it! There’s no reason to avoid getting treated for your injuries out of fear that you can’t pay for them or that your health insurance will deny your claim.

Can I see any doctor I want?

Yes. Unlike traditional health insurance, there are no “out of network” providers when it comes to PIP. But be aware that some doctors may not perform 3rd-party billing. In these cases, you’ll need to be reimbursed by your insurance company.


At Urban Wellness Group, we’re experts in dealing with insurance companies. Our staff can assist you to work with your auto insurance company and utilize your  PIP benefits.

What if PIP refuses to pay?

In Oregon, the law says Personal Injury Protection covers:

All reasonable and necessary expenses of medical, hospital, dental, surgical, ambulance and prosthetic services.

At Urban Wellness Group, we want you to focus on feeling your best, not worry about insurance issues.

The accident was my fault. Will PIP still pay?

We hear this question a lot and it’s a simple answer. No matter who was at fault, your PIP coverage can be used to pay for your medical bills and related expenses. That means that if you’re injured in an accident that was your own fault, your PIP coverage is there for you! Personal Injury Protection is exactly what it sounds like and has nothing to do with who is the at-fault driver.

Of course, if you weren’t at fault, you may be eligible for additional compensation or additional payments from the liability insurance of the at-fault driver.

I got hurt on my bike. Am I still covered?

Thousands of people ride their bicycles all over Portland every day and estimates say that nearly 90% of cyclists also own or drive a car. That means that nearly everyone on a bicycle has car insurance, too!

So if you’re in an accident when you’re out biking your PIP coverage can be used to pay for your treatments-- whether you or another driver was the cause of the accident.

It’s also important to note that your PIP coverage is available if you’re injured as a pedestrian, too!

How Urban Wellness Group Can Help You

At Urban Wellness Group, our team of holistic health practitioners is here to help you. We specialize in treating pain from auto accidents and offer a variety of services, including massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic services, and much more. 

Plus, we can help you work with your insurance provider to make sure you’re not paying for treatments that should be covered under your Personal Injury Protection policy.

So if you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, whether you were at fault or not, whether you were driving, a passenger, riding your bike, or walking, we can help. Contact us online or call us at (503) 476-9651 to learn more. Don’t delay. The sooner you start receiving treatment, the sooner you can start feeling better!


