March 8, 2018

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has been a common topic in the news recently, often mentioned in discussions of the danger of contact sports like football. But did you know that millions of people in the United Statessuffer a traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome every year?

Slipping on an icy sidewalk, falling off a bicycle, or being involved in a seemingly minor car crash can all lead to a TBI, otherwise known as a concussion. As more research is conducted on the causes, symptoms, and effects of TBI, doctors and scientists are beginning to realize brain injuries are much more complicated than once thought.

In today’s article, we’ll talk about the confusion surrounding TBI, the side effects and symptoms of TBI including strokes, and how research shows that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy could be a valuable tool for TBI and stroke treatment and recovery.

Fast Facts: TBI and Post-Concussion Syndrome Causes

DID YOU KNOW: TBI may be hard to diagnose because the injury can cause temporary memory loss. A person might not even remember how he or she was injured-- or that they were injured at all!

  • About 35% of TBI are caused by a fall

  • 25% of TBI are the result of assault or an accidental strike from a moving object

  • 20% of TBI are the result of a motor vehicle accident

  • The cause of the remaining 20% of TBI can’t be determined


TBI and Concussion Symptoms and How They Lead to Misdiagnosis & Complications 

Imagine two people involved in the same car accident. One loses consciousness and the other remains alert throughout the accident. One begins feeling dizzy a few days later while the other feels a strong sensitivity to light (like the early stages of a migraine). One starts experiencing a bad taste in their mouth while the other is having trouble sleeping and feels angry and depressed.

Despite the incredible difference in their symptoms, both of these people may be suffering from TBI or post-concussion syndrome.

Modern research has shown that loss of consciousness is not always associated with TBI. In addition, the symptoms of a TBI may not become truly apparent for days (or even weeks) after the injury.

This delayed response can be confusing to first responders, healthcare professionals, and TBI sufferers.

TBI & Concussion Symptoms : What to Watch For

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, fall, or received even a minor head injury, you should be on the lookout for potential TBI and post-concussion symptoms. More mild TBI symptoms may include:

  • Headache, including migraine-like symptoms of sensitivity to light and sound

  • Vomiting or nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Blurry vision or ringing ears

  • Tiredness or sleeplessness

  • Depression, anger, or abrupt changes to mood and personality

  • Loss of memory or trouble concentrating on even simple tasks

Severe TBI and concussion symptoms that require IMMEDIATE medical attention include:

  • Slurred speech and trouble with coordination and movement

  • Convulsions and seizures

  • Dilated pupils

  • Numbness or tingling of arms or legs

  • Loss of consciousness lasting more than a few minutes

Recovering from a TBI & Post-Concussion Syndrome

The unfortunate truth is that TBI recovery is unpredictable. Just as the symptoms of TBI differ from person to person, the recovery process and timeline varies widely.

Kendall Johnson, a Portland Thorns soccer player, received a concussion and suffered serious symptoms for nearly a year. Two more professional athletes Josh Beckett and Justin Morneau (both baseball players) suffered brain injuries during games. Morneau, a former MVP, eventually retired due to ongoing pain and symptoms, but Beckett recovered in days without obvious lasting effects.

If TBI recovery is so inconsistent in professional athletes, what can the average person do to maximize their chances of fast recovery from a TBI? 

Avoid Serious Complications

In addition to ongoing symptoms, TBI may put you at elevated risk of serious complications like strokes. Accidents and head injuries may result in damage to the brain’s blood supply. When this blood supply is cut off, the result is a stroke and the death of healthy brain cells.

The keys to minimizing the damage done by a stroke is early detection and fast treatment.

When it comes to strokes, remember F.A.S.T:

  • Facial drooping

  • Arm weakness

  • Speech problems and slurred words

  • Time to call 911-- when these symptoms are present! 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) For Stroke Recovery

Consider HBOT For Concussion and TBI TBI Treatment & Recovery

If you’re suffering from the ongoing symptoms of a TBI or concussion, don’t suffer in silence! Look for treatment options that may provide the relief you’ve been seeking. 

At Urban Wellness Group, our physicians use an FDA-approved steel hyperbaric chamber to treat TBI patients at pressures up to 1.3-1.5 ATA. This helps your body absorb more oxygen, a necessity when you’re healing from a TBI.

Additionally, HBOT allows oxygen to infuse with many types of liquids your body needs to heal, including blood, plasma, and cerebral fluids. Through HBOT treatment, your body receives a boost in oxygen where it’s needed most, helping to reduce the symptoms of your TBI. 

HBOT treatment takes around 60-90 minutes and is non-invasive and painless. The pressurized environment flushes tissue with nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to aid in healing.

HBOT Helps Your Body Heal Itself! 

Schedule Your Appointment At Urban Wellness Group 

If you want to learn more about whether Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is right for you, schedule an appointment at Urban Wellness Group. We can help treat the effects of TBI and stroke (as well as many other conditions) using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


Our SE Portland Clinic has 2 of the most powerful HBOT chambers available anywhere in Oregon. Schedule your appointment and learn more about how they may be able to help you recover from a TBI or stroke.


